With record unemployment lows, workplaces are now facing a looming skills gap. Here’s one way to solve it.
No matter how knowledgeable or educated a person is in a defined profession once they leave their educational institution and enter the workplace they require a whole new capability level to perform on the job. Developing that performance level is a responsibility shared with their organization.
It is a mythology that educational institutions can or should equip their students for this. Here’s why:
Each workplace and job or talent role has a unique performance level. How this is done also depends on the individual organization. Two companies, even if they compete with the same services or products in the same space or sector, will perform differently. They will have different goals, internal processes and collective skills. These will depend on their unique business focus, competitive strategy, market, how they deliver goods and services, and their own set of cultural, performance and workplace conditions.
This is where a the value of a Talent Path becomes apparent. It’s purpose is to develop a new employee and equip them with the learning, practice, coaching support, know-how and tools to become a productive and skilled employee within weeks or months.
It is absurd to think we don’t have the tools or processes to deal with this gap. We do. There is no skills gap that a properly developed Talent Path can’t cure in weeks or months in most cases.
VELOCIFIED uses a proven methodology, one that has been used by top companies to get employees up to speed in the shortest possible time.
Obviously there are employers who want highly skilled employees but don’t want to pay market price for them, which contributes to a perception that this is a skills gap issue, when it is a market gap. Also there are definite skills shortages in certain trades where an improved and shorter Learning Path can be built into an apprenticeship program.
With the retirement exodus now underway roughly 10,000 people are retiring every day in the US; 1000 people a day in Canada. It is never too late to start incorporating Talent Paths in your organization. Your ablity to compete in both the labor market and the competitive market and maintain performance levels to your required standards depend on it.
At VELOCIFIED we help companies develop and implement Talent Paths. Want to learn more? Request a Discovery Session