labour and skills shortage

The current labour and skills shortage has left many employers scrambling as they compete for scarce skills sets in a tight labour market.

The employee skills gap is the difference between needed employee skills and the skills available in the market by job-seekers. Employers are having difficulty filling talent roles because they find it hard to find employees with skill sets they require.

To close the skills gap more companies and organizations are opting to  develop skills internally. Organizations need to improve the way they develop and deliver training and their talent development process to be able to do this effectively.

Close the Capability Gap in Your Organization Now – It’s Critical

It’s projected that by 2030 the growing capability gap, which is the difference between company output and the talent and skills capital needed to sustain that output, will escalate to an $8.4 trillion shortfall globally. Why? The answer is simply that not enough people with the right skills will be available in the labour market.

Close the Capability Gap in Your Organization Now – It’s Critical Read More »

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