Proficiency Gap

The Proficiency Gap is the difference between how your company currently performs and your ability to maintain your desired performance level. Finding employees with the required skills may be difficult in the current labour market. Closing your Proficiency Gap helps maintain company performance and talent bench strength at desired levels.

Today’s extremely tight job market means that more employers have to provide skills development programs skills internally. These are usually delivered by internal training and development departments in order to maintain a skilled workforce.

The High Costs of Maintaining Employees with Low Proficiency Levels

The cost of maintaining employees at less than full proficiency are much higher than you think. Here’s an example: A company runs a call centre with 200 employees. Turnover has been higher since COVID, so they are losing employees more rapidly. They have a training program that involves 4 weeks of classroom and on-line training […]

The High Costs of Maintaining Employees with Low Proficiency Levels Read More »

Close the Capability Gap in Your Organization Now – It’s Critical

It’s projected that by 2030 the growing capability gap, which is the difference between company output and the talent and skills capital needed to sustain that output, will escalate to an $8.4 trillion shortfall globally. Why? The answer is simply that not enough people with the right skills will be available in the labour market.

Close the Capability Gap in Your Organization Now – It’s Critical Read More »

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